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The Annual Conference for Teachers and Advisers 2019

Date and location
This event has now finished

Plenary speakers

David Winstanley

Director of Global Recruitment and Admissions, University of Southampton

Dr Paul Redmond

Director of Student Experience and Enhancement, University of Liverpool

Professor Edward Peck

Vice-Chancellor, Nottingham Trent University

Rebecca Gaukroger

Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions, The University of Edinburgh

Breakout speakers

Alice McCallum, Student Recruitment Officer (UK and North America), University of Oxford

Amanda Bishop, Widening Participation Faculty Co-ordinator (SEM), Faculty of Science, University of Warwick

Andrew Brewerton, Principal and CEO, Plymouth College of Art

Andy Pepper, Senior Lecturer, Visual Arts, Nottingham Trent University

Ben Goldblum, Head of Student Services Operations, The University of Manchester

Beverley Whitehead, Head of Admissions, Manchester Metropolitan University

Charlotte Field, Head of UK Recruitment and Widening Participation, Oxford Brookes University

Claire Cummings, Senior Manager, NAS Citizens Engagement Team, Education and Skills Funding Agency

Clara Hiskey, Senior Outreach Officer, University of Leeds

Craig Dove, Student Recruitment Officer, University of Sussex

David George, Head of International Admissions (UG and Pathways), Oxford Brookes University

Dr Afshan Ahmad, Admissions Lead, Aston University

Dr Becki Nash, Learn with US Transition Officer, University of Southampton

Dr Hannah Hodgkiss-Geere, Director of Recruitment and Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Cardiology, RCVS and European Recognised Specialist in Cardiology, University of Liverpool

Dr Pallavi Amitava Banerjee, Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter

Dr Sam Hay, Senior Lecturer and Admissions Tutor for the School of Chemistry, University of Manchester

Elliot Newstead, Associate Director of Future Students, De Montfort University

Emma Bell, Head of Sixth Form, Stratford Girls' Grammar School

Emma Maskell, Head of Student Engagement and Information, Office for Students

Heidi Page, Student Recruitment and Widening Participation Officer (UK and EU Qualifications), University of Manchester

James Seymour, Director of Communications, Marketing and Student Recruitment, University of Gloucestershire

Jan Orlebar, Student Academic Services, University of Greenwich

Jane Marshall, Director, Optimising Futures

Jeanette Nicholas, Assistant Head, University of Westminster, Westminster Law School

Katie Muscat, Student Recruitment and Widening Participation Manager, The University of Manchester

Kim Eccleston, Head of Strategy and Reform, UCAS

Linda Marchant, Employability Manager, Nottingham Trent University

Liz Carlile, Associate Director (Admissions & Access), University of Sheffield

Liz Gorb, Director of Apprenticeships, Manchester Metropolitan University

Mandy Crow, Student Recruitment and Widening Participation Manager, The University of Manchester

Mary Fudge, Education Liaison Lead, University of Greenwich

Nic Streatfield, Head of Student Support and Wellbeing, University of East London

Nicky Stecker-Doxat, Education Policy Development Manager, University of Southampton

Paul Youngson, Head of Planning, University of Huddersfield

Phil Dalby, Head of Admissions, University of Leicester

Rachel Lister, Head of Student Recruitment and Marketing , University of Cambridge

Rosie Tressler, CEO, Student Minds

Sally Rutterford, Head of Admissions, Cardiff University

Sarah Roeschlaub, Lecturer in Child and Youth Studies, University of Derby

Sharon Bell, Head of Discipline, Education, Childhood, and Inclusion, University of Derby

Stephanie Lee, Head of Widening Participation and Outreach, The University of Manchester