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The UCAS website provides a wealth of information. For example, we:
  • provide a media enquiries service for journalists
  • provide data and analysis
  • publish financial and organisational information in our Annual Report
To view the full list of information we publish online, as required by the Freedom of Information Act, see our Publication Scheme

How to request further information

If you require a copy of your reference(s), please call us.

If the website does not provide the information you require, you can make a request for it under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. Please send your request to or alternatively by post to:

Freedom of Information Requests
New Barn Lane
GL52 3LZ

Requests must be in writing and must include your name and an address (either postal or email). Please try to be as specific as possible about the information you would like, as this will help us to respond accurately and promptly. Where possible, please include a contact telephone number so we can contact you to discuss your request if necessary.

The Environmental Information Regulations do not apply to the UCAS. This means that we will handle any requests for environmental information under the Freedom of Information Act.

If you have difficulty in identifying the precise information you require, or have difficulty in making the application in writing, phone us on 01242 545 469 (or 00 44 1242 545 469 from outside the UK).

What happens next

We will respond to your request promptly and within 20 working days. The Act allows us to extend this deadline if we need to clarify your request with you, if we are charging you a fee, or if we are considering the public interest test. We will always acknowledge receipt of FOI requests made to the above email and postal addresses and we will let you know if we need to extend the deadline.

Please note that:

  • If we estimate that it is likely to take more than 24 working hours to compile your information, the Act permits us to charge you to fulfil your request. We will provide information about this to you, if applicable to your request.
  • If your requested information falls within categories specified in the Act, such as personal data about individual employees, we may withhold it.
  • Copyright law protects all information we send to you or make available on this website. Our copyright policy below provides more details.
  • The Act says that information is exempt from disclosure if it is reasonably accessible to you by other means (including where it is accessible only on payment) or if it is intended for future publication. So if these exemptions apply to your enquiry, we will provide further details of how to find the information in our reply to you.

If you are unhappy with our response to your FOI request for information, you may ask us to reconsider it at an internal review. We will provide you with details of how to do this in our reply to you.

UCAS copyright and licence policy

The documents in this guide to information, and those published as disclosure documents in requests we have already dealt with, are protected by copyright which belongs to UCAS, unless otherwise indicated.

Please note that the supply of documents under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 does not give you an automatic right to re-use them in a way that would infringe copyright. Re-use may require a licence for which a separate fee may be charged.

For more details of UCAS' intellectual property rights, see section 5 of the terms and conditions for use of the UCAS network.

If you want to seek permission for re-use of UCAS copyright material, please contact:

General Counsel
New Barn Lane
GL52 3LZ


Permission for reuse of non-UCAS copyright material should be sought from the copyright owners concerned.

Further information about copyright can be found at the Intellectual Property Office website.