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Our work with the policy community

We share our expertise in the analysis and understanding of admissions data with the Government and other stakeholders. This helps ensure policies are created and implemented based on the most current insights and evidence.

What we do

As well as publishing extensive analysis and insight about progression, participation and admissions on our Data and analysis pages, we engage with a wide range of further and higher education stakeholders.

We provide analysis and insight to:

  • inform policy development and decision making
  • enable the monitoring and evaluation of policy interventions
  • inform the effective co-regulation of higher education  

Our rich data assets and analytical expertise allow us to offer a unique perspective on demand for, and admission to, higher education.

Our relationships with policy makers ensure we keep up-to-date with developments in policy, funding and regulation which could impact on progression and admissions to higher education. These are reflected in our strategies, services and operations.  

We are independent of Government and politically neutral.  

Who we work with

  • Government departments in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • qualifications regulators and awarding bodies
  • higher education funders and regulators
  • the higher education sector’s representative bodies such as Universities UK, GuildHE, and the Association of Colleges

We also work alongside charitable organisations and others who undertake research, seek to influence policy, or support progression activities.

How we engage

We engage with policy makers, funders and regulators through a variety of means. These include membership of groups and forums; bilateral meetings; speaking at events and conferences; and submitting analysis and insight to enquiries and consultations. Read our most recent submissions here.