UCAS is a charity, not a Government body. It has been subject to Freedom of Information from 1 November 2011, but only in relation to some of its functions.
Therefore, some documents in the guide to information include information that is excluded from the scope of the Act. For example, the Annual Report includes information about our commercial output.
For the convenience of users of the UCAS publication scheme, we are happy to provide selected documents, even if they include material not within the scope of the Act.
When we choose to include this type of information, it does not mean that it is within the scope of the Act.
The guide to information will not generally include:
- information the disclosure of which is prevented by law, or exempt under the Freedom of Information Act, or is otherwise properly considered to be protected from disclosure
- information in draft form
- information that is no longer readily available as it is contained in files that have been placed in archive storage, or is difficult to access for similar reasons.
Our guide to information is based on the Information Commissioner's model publication scheme. It contains seven classes of information below.
Who we are and what we do
We are responsible for managing applications to higher education courses in the UK.
We also help students find the right course and deliver professional development services for staff in the education sector. We provide insight and research into applicant data to support wider analysis (for example, by Government departments).
- Who we are
- Company information
- UCAS page on the Charity Commission website
- UCAS page on the Scottish Charity Register website, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) website
- Our aims and values
- UCAS Media
- Our services
- Customer service
- How to contact us
- Media enquiries
- Articles of association
What we spend and how we spend it
Read our annual report and accounts and our terms and conditions for contractor and suppliers.
What our priorities are and how we are doing
Here you can find our Corporate Strategy, end of cycle reports, media releases and a wide range of applicant statistics.
- What we do: our Corporate Strategy
- End of cycle reports
- UCAS news
- Media releases including applicant statistics
How we make decisions
See how the Board of Trustees, Committees and UCAS Council are composed and learn about our executive team.
Our policies and procedures
Read details of our policies and procedures — from health and safety to the terms and conditions of using the UCAS website.
- Customer service policy
- Cookies policy
- Accessibility
- Health and safety policy
- Privacy policy
- Modern slavery statement
- Terms and conditions for using the UCAS website
- Welsh language scheme
- Environmental policy
- UCAS generic terms of service
- UCAS Undergraduate declaration
- UCAS Conservatoires declaration
- Terms and conditions
- Advertising and sponsorship policy
Lists and registers
Learn about our trustees, stakeholders and job vacancies.
- Our governance structure
- Our stakeholders — UCAS works with stakeholders throughout the education sector, including providers, schools and colleges, Government departments, funding councils and qualification bodies
- Jobs at UCAS
- Companies House – The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
- Companies House – UCAS Media Limited
The services we offer
UCAS provides application services across a range of subject areas and modes of study for UK universities and colleges and we provide a specialist service for UCAS Conservatoires.
UCAS also offers information and advice to students, parents, school and college advisers, and higher education (HE) professionals; compiles and monitors data; and publishes material to support the HE sector throughout the application cycle.
Services for students
Services for parent and guardians
Services for educational advisers
Services for providers
Data and analysis services
Our freely available published resources are designed to help with most questions about admissions.
For more specialised analysis and data needs, UCAS and UCAS Media can provide commissioned analytical services. These can provide anonymised data to particular specifications, including the ability to provide anonymous data about the admissions outcomes of groups of individuals.
Last updated: 17 March 2024