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Annual Conference for Teachers and Advisers 2022

Date and location
This event has now finished

Steve McArdle

Deputy Head and Director Post-16, Durham Johnston Comprehensive School and the North-East representative for the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL)


Steve McArdle is Assistant Head at Durham Johnston Comprehensive School, with overall responsibility for Post-16 education and for Personal Development 11-19.  Currently the North-East representative on council for the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) whom he has represented in a number of specialist post-16 roles including HE admissions. In particular, he is ASCL representative on the Advisers Advisory Group at UCAS and the HMC/GSA Universities Committee. Previously he chaired ASCL’s Post-16 and Higher Education Committee, was on the steering group for SPA, sat on the advisory group of OFFA and was a member of the UUK Social Mobility Advisory Group.
Tuesday 8 February 2022 14:45 - 15:35

Designing a HE programme making the most of blended approaches