Try university degrees before you apply. Subject Spotlights from Springpod give you a taste of what it's like to study real subjects delivered by university lecturers and developed in partnership with the universities
Subject Spotlights give you the chance to try a university course before you apply. Delivered by the lecturers themselves you will gain insight into what it’s like to study the course and give your personal statement a boost.
Springpod is an online learning community that connects young people with world-leading employers and universities, enabling them to secure their brightest future.
Springpod partners with outstanding universities and employers to create interactive, experiential learning programs. These programs empower young people, giving them equal access to opportunities and enabling them to take their future into their own hands.
Frequently asked questions
Who is Springpod?
Springpod is an online learning community that connects young people with world-leading employers and universities.
What does Springpod offer?
Gain experience with top employers and universities and earn certificates to reference on your CV or personal statement. It’s 100% free!
What is a Subject Spotlight?
Subject Spotlights fuse education and entertainment to bring you the new way of researching your university options. Entirely free and available on-demand, you can choose to engage with the content in the way that best suits you - whether that's in bite-sized chunks or in binge-sessions!
How do I start a Subject Spotlight?
Once you have a UCAS account, you can browse Subject Spotlights through the UCAS search, subject guides, and university profiles. When you find the perfect spotlight, click ‘Take Subject Spotlight’ and follow the steps to create and link your Springpod profile.
How is UCAS collaborating with Springpod?
We're integrating Springpod’s extensive experience library into UCAS, allowing you to explore university courses and careers before applying. The Springpod library will be embedded within your UCAS experience. Once you create your account, you can launch Springpod experiences directly from UCAS.
What is the rollout plan for the Springpod and UCAS collaboration?
Our initial focus is on bringing Subject tasters to UCAS, enabling you to explore university courses before applying. Over the next few months, we'll introduce Virtual Work Experience and new features to help you reference Springpod experiences on your personal statement.