Consider all the options available to you before you begin your application. Find out what places are really like, attend events, research industries, and make sure you're clear on what you want to do before you proceed.
Events and open days are a great opportunity to get a feel for a uni, sixth form, or college.
Research what universities and higher education colleges there are, and what they offer.
How to find out about courses that might be right for you, and where you could study them.
Distance learning, or online learning, is an alternative route to studying a degree with a university in the UK, and gives your studies more flexibility, which may suit your circumstances.
UCAS events
Research your options, meet unis, colleges and employers face-to-face, and get your questions answered at our events, and uni open days.
UCAS events
From marketing to construction, business, and so much more, find out what industries might be a good fit for you.
Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) are now available in Digital, Construction and Health & Science with more sectors coming in September 2024. Find out what they are, who they’re for, and what and where you can study.
There are more than 240 colleges in the UK that offer a range of higher education courses.
Thinking about your next steps and wondering whether uni is right for you? We cover the pros and cons to help you decide.