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Admissions Conference 2021

Date and location
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Parents and guardians – an influencing factor on student choice

Tuesday 30 March 2021 11:00 – 11:50
Discussion - this may involve a short presentation or a panel, however the majority of the session will be interactive.
Open to all


Parents and guardians will have some measure of influence over their child’s post-16 opportunities.
UCAS will host a panel of parents whose child is currently considering higher education or applied through UCAS.  Sharing their experience of this challenging year, highlighting the issues both from a student and parent/guardian perspective.  
What do parents really want to know to positively support their child?  How do we engage with parents?  Find out and more, as there will be an opportunity to directly ask your questions to the panel.
Any provider looking for insight from those supporting applicants in a competitive environment will find this workshop extremely valuable.

Learning outcomes:

  • Gain an understanding of parents’ perspectives of supporting applicants.
  • Gain insight into parents’ views of the services they receive.