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Annual Admissions Conference 2020 – CANCELLED

Date and location
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Dr Ross Hall

Head of Strategic Partnerships: AF and Veterans, University of South Wales


Formerly a Royal Engineer, Dr Ross Hall left the British Army following a tour of Bosnia in 1995, and is presently Head of Strategic Partnerships: AF and Veterans at the University of South Wales.

He has forged a career within both higher education and high-performance sport, as an applied psychologist. He has attended national, European, and world Championships with various sports teams, with the pinnacle being the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games and London 2012 Olympic Games, supporting GB world-class performance programmes. In 2015, with Community Covenant Grant Scheme funding, Ross established a Recognition of Prior Learning scheme for ex-AF personnel at the University of South Wales, which seeks to recognise transferable skills gained throughout military service.

He sits on numerous military and higher education related Boards and committees, and undertakes both research and intervention projects for veterans and their families.

Wednesday 29 April 2020 09:50 – 10:50

Students with an Armed Forces background