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Annual Admissions Conference 2020 – CANCELLED

Date and location
This event has now finished

Students with an Armed Forces background

Wednesday 29 April 2020 09:50 – 10:50
Presentation – information giving with time for questions
Open to all


Service children and UK Armed Forces veterans are under-represented in higher education, yet they bring with them a range of valuable skills and experience. This workshop will look at the key challenges for these students, and the best ways to support access, transition, and ongoing studies – with examples from the University of South Wales and the Service Children’s Progression (SCiP) Alliance, based at the University of Winchester.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand how the particular needs of these students can be managed in the admissions process.
  • Take away examples of good practice in action to help you inform or improve your own procedures.
  • Get an overview of the work UCAS is doing to support these students in their application through to transition.