Studying at uni or college can be different to how you're used to studying at school. Get a head start by brushing up on the skills you'll need now, so you're fully prepared when the time comes.
We're working in partnership with the National Extension College (NEC) to provide a series of study skills guides to help you successfully make the transition to higher education.
Here are the guides we've produced so far:
Understanding and answering exam questions (2.45 MB)
How to present an argument (1.81 MB)
Time management (1.09 MB)
Proofing and editing your work (1.16 MB)
Academic essay writing (1.46 MB)
These guides include practical activities and advice to help you develop the habits of effective, independent study.
NEC and UCAS believe everyone needs to invest time in learning the skills needed for independent study, if they are to become confident students and get the most out of their course.
We hope these guides are useful for you! Keep an eye on this page for more coming soon.