If you’re a disabled student or have different learning needs, and are thinking about your university accommodation options, there are a few things you’ll want to consider.

What are the accommodation options for disabled students?

The majority of students either live in university-owned accommodation, like halls of residence, or in a house or flat they rent from a private landlord. Alternatively, some students choose to live at home during their studies.

University-owned accommodation

Every university should have accommodation available for disabled students, and they should also have student disability services. In the first instance, it’s a good idea to get in touch with them to find out about your accommodation options, as it’s their job to support you in finding the right space. Talk to them about what you need from your accommodation and they’ll help you to find the best solution, or help to arrange for adjustments.

Reasonable adjustments

Under the Equality Act 2010, unis and colleges must make changes to ensure disabled people can access their courses and facilities. These are called ‘reasonable adjustments’ and can include course materials in different formats, specialist computer equipment or accessible accommodation and lecture halls. Employers must also remove barriers for their employees, so if you're considering an apprenticeship you will also be entitled to reasonable adjustments.

Disability Rights UK's comprehensive guide to adjustments for disabled students and apprentices explains more. They also have a useful guide to understanding the Equality Act for disabled students.

If the accommodation you’re given isn’t suitable for your needs, speak to your disability advisor again. They may be able to solve the issue by moving you to different halls or making adaptations to your current accommodation. Your university has a legal obligation to think about how to accommodate disabled students and make 'reasonable adjustments' to remove the barriers you face in education. This covers everything from study skills and accessing lectures in your preferred format, to making specific adjustments to your place of living if it’s in university-owned accommodation. Read more about support for disabled students in higher education.

Private accommodation

If you choose to rent privately, it’s important to know your rights. Letting agents and landlords cannot legally discriminate against you for being disabled, meaning they can’t:

  • refuse to let a property to you on the grounds that you’re disabled
  • say that pets aren’t allowed if you need a guide dog or other assistance animal
  • evict you for being disabled

As with university accommodation, a private landlord is legally obliged to make ‘reasonable adjustments to prevent disability discrimination’, and they must provide auxiliary aids if you ask for them. So any extra services or equipment you need for the property on account of your disability should be covered by them.

Some things are not included under the term ‘reasonable adjustment’. For instance, if you need any physical features like an accessible shower or lower worktops, your landlord isn’t obliged to provide them. However, they do need to make adjustments such as:

  • installing a ramp for a wheelchair user
  • providing special furniture you might need in the house, like a raised seat for your toilet
  • installing an entry phone system you can easily use
  • painting door frames a darker colour to make them more visible

Contact your disability adviser if you’re unsure whether your landlord is legally obliged to make the adjustments you’re requesting – they may also be able to help you find private accommodation that fits your needs.

In some cases, the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) may fund changes to private accommodation – if you are eligible for DSA, this will be decided at your needs assessment.

Your UCAS application

Don’t forget to tell the university or college about any impairment or condition on your UCAS application – this helps them to put the support in place ready for your arrival. 

This information is not used to make a decision on your application and it is only shared with those involved in supporting you, or making the arrangements for your support.

More about sharing a disability on your application

What are your rights to accommodation?

All students, whether living in university-owned or private accommodation, have the right to a house or flat that’s safe and fit to live in. On a basic level, this means having adequate ventilation and insulation, and a heating system that will keep your home free from damp and condensation.

Additionally, as a disabled person, you have certain rights to accommodation under the Equality Act 2010. Disability Rights UK has a useful guide to understanding the Equality Act for disabled students.

For university-owned accommodation, this means that:

  • you can’t be refused accommodation because you’re disabled
  • they must make reasonable attempts to provide you with somewhere to live that’s accessible and suits your needs
  • your accommodation must be of the same standard as that of a non-disabled student

For privately-rented accommodation, it means:

  • estate agents and landlords must make it easy for you to find a home, and providing information in an accessible format
  • you cannot be refused a tenancy because of your disability
  • your landlord should make reasonable adjustments for you to live there

You can find more information and get support from Citizens Advice about your rights as a private tenant.

Financial help for disabled students

All UK students are eligible to apply for student finance, and there may be other financial support available, such as bursaries and scholarships, depending on your circumstances.

You can apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) alongside student finance to cover some of the study-related costs you incur due to your disability or condition. You don’t need to pay DSA back, and the amount you’re eligible for depends on your individual circumstances and where you live in the UK. Our guide to the DSA explains all you need to know about what the DSA can fund, who is eligible, how to apply, and what the needs assessment is.

Some universities also offer bursaries or grants to disabled students, which could help you to pay for your accommodation and general living expenses, or specifically help to achieve a certain goal. Speak to your university’s disability advisor to find out if this is something that’s offered.

Charitable grants may also be available depending on your specific needs and circumstances. Use Scope’s Grant Checker tool to find out if there’s any you can apply for. Be aware that you may need to provide some evidence as part of your application, such as a letter from your doctor.

If you are an international student, you will not be eligible for DSA. However, you are covered by the Equality Act so you are still entitled to reasonable adjustments. The disability adviser will be able to tell you more about the support available