What to do once you graduate from your course is always a difficult decision. Here we highlight your options, and give you all the information you need: how to apply, how much it costs, how long it takes, and more help about starting your career.
After you’ve studied in the UK, and achieved a relevant degree or equivalent qualification, you can apply for a graduate visa. This allows you to live and work in the UK for a further 2 years.
Finding your first full-time job after you graduate can be a challenge, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the UK jobs system. There are a few types of roles that you can get after university, each with its own strengths, weaknesses and application requirements.
As an international student, the process of getting work might be different to what you’re used to at home.
There are additional rules and limitations that overseas students need to bear in mind to comply with the conditions of your visa while working.
Career support at university
University is a critical time for developing your future career. As an international student in the UK, you can access a wealth of support from your university and their dedicated careers teams.
You’ll be able to get help on everything from improving your job application process, finding work experience while you’re studying, or getting a graduate role in your chosen industry.
Career support at university
Tips to help your prepare the perfect CV.
Some applications also ask for a cover letter. This is where you explain why you want to apply for this role, and why you're suited to the work.
How to prep for your interview so you get the dream job.