Copy of University of Portsmouth - Sport and Exercise Science Post-16 Taster Day

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Pushing boundaries. Breaking records. Training in extreme environments. Sport and Exercise Science covers many elements of elite sports, health and fitness.
Mon 13 December 2021 - 09:15 to 14:30

Depending on what you choose to study, a Sport and Exercise Science degree could help you gain the knowledge needed to understand and enhance athletic performance.

Sound like you? Save your place at our Taster Day on 13 December to learn more about courses, careers and sports' unique role in society.

At our Sport and Exercise Science Taster Days, you'll:
- Discover where a Sports and Exercise Science course can take you and where our graduates went on to work
- Explore Biomechanics and what makes a goal-scoring free-kick
- Examine the cardio-vascular, respiratory and thermal responses to exercise
- Investigate the concept of leadership and how we can increase sport and physical activity within the community and wider population
- Understand why some athletes thrive under pressure and why others struggle
- Hear from and chat to current students about their experiences at Portsmouth


Recruitment and Outreach Team