Choosing the right university for you can be a tough decision. Your time at university is a life-changing opportunity where you make unforgettable memories with lifelong friends and kick-start your future career! If you are still undecided nothing will help you make your mind up more than attending an Open Afternoon and experiencing first-hand what we offer.
Our Open Afternoon will give you the opportunity for you to explore our Carlisle campus with its own unique characteristics and excellent facilities. Our Fusehill Street campus is home to the Institute of Education, Arts and Society, Institute of Health, Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership, and Institute of Science and Environment.
During the afternoon our expert academic staff will chat about their course areas, where you can get a real flavour of the course and see how passionate and enthusiastic our tutors are about their specialist subject.
You can also find information about the application process, accommodation, finance, and disability support.
Please note that the following Integrated Foundation Year (IFY) courses are delivered at our Fusehill Street campus in Year 1 and all subsequent years at our Ambleside campus:
Ecology and Wildlife Conservation (with IFY)
Forest Management (with IFY)
Geography (with IFY)
Outdoor Adventure and Environmental Studies (with IFY)
Outdoor Leadership (with IFY)
Woodland Ecology and Conservation (with IFY)
Guests booking these courses will receive an introductory talk on the Integrated Foundation Year only. Those wishing to know more about the course after the IFY year should attend an Ambleside open day.