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British College of Osteopathic Medicine - in person open day event

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Thu 9 May 2024 - 17:00 to 19:00

Thursday 9th May 17:00 to 19:00

Experience life as a student studying osteopathy at our London campus – booking now open!

Visit our London campus to:-

- experience our unique learning environment;
- meet staff and faculty and hear about our four-year undergraduate degree courses (full-time integrated Masters and modified attendance BSc (Hons) Osteopathy);
- meet members of our Admissions team, who will answer any questions you have about accommodation, entry requirements and the application process;
- meet current students to get their view of student life;
- visit our teaching clinic, where our students gain hands-on clinical experience;

To register to attend this open day or visit us at a date and time of your choosing please see


BCOM Open Days

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