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UCAS Undergraduate analysis notes

In our series of Analysis notes, we take a look at specific HE admissions topics such as free school meal status and A level achievement.

Analysis note 2015/06 – 'Achieved A level grades of young applicants placed in higher education have remained broadly similar in recent cycles'

UCAS has published its sixth Analysis Note of the 2015 cycle, entitled 'Achieved A level grades of young applicants placed in higher education have remained broadly similar in recent cycles’.

Analysis note 2015/05 – 'Offer rates to different ethnic groups are close to expected values'

UCAS has published its fifth Analysis Note of the 2015 cycle, entitled ‘Offer rates to different ethnic groups close to expected values’.

Analysis note 2015/04: Young BTEC applicants up by 18 per cent to 42,000 in 2015

This analysis note reports on the changes in the main groups of qualifications that UK 18 year old HE applicants are studying. 

Analysis note 2015/03: Demand for HE by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD)

This analysis note looks at application rates to higher education by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD).

Here you can find:

Analysis note 2015/02: BTEC students at providers

This analysis note shows UK applicants holding a BTEC qualification placed through UCAS main scheme in 2008 and 2014 cycles, by the proportion of the intake at the provider holding BTEC.

The underlying data for this analysis note is contained within DR4_014_02 in the end of cycle data resources.

Analysis note 2015/01: Sex differences by subject

This analysis note shows the difference in the number of acceptances between men and women by each subject group in 2014.

The underlying data for this analysis note is contained within DR3_014_01 in the end of cycle data resources.

Analysis note 2014/07: A level achievement

This analysis shows that fewer young applicants achieved top A level grades in 2014.

The underlying data for this analysis note is contained within the documents' Technical notes section.

Analysis note 2014/06: Predicted A level grades

This analysis shows that achieved A level grades continued to fall against predictions in 2014.

The underlying data for this analysis note is contained within the documents' Technical notes section.

Analysis note 2014/05: Conditional offers

At the end of July 2014, there were 367,000 UCAS applicants holding a conditional offer — an increase of 3% from last year.

The underlying data for this analysis note is contained within the documents' Technical notes section.

Analysis note 2014/04: New applicants in Clearing

In recent cycles, between 14,000 and 22,000 people applied after the 30 June deadline (directly into Clearing) and patterns suggest this number will be around 20,000 for the 2014 cycle.

The underlying data for this analysis note is contained within the documents' Technical notes section.

Analysis note 2014/03: GCSE attainment application rates

This analysis establishes the link between GCSE attainment and demand for higher education for the first time. Over 90% of 18 year olds with top GCSE grades apply to university.

Analysis note 2014/02: Free school meal application rates

This analysis shows that demand for higher education in 2014 has risen from free school meal pupils, to the highest ever recorded level.

Here you can find:

Analysis note 2014/01: Ethnic group application rates

This analysis shows that demand for higher education has risen amongst all ethnic groups in English schools this year, with most reaching record highs.

Here you can find: