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If you want to join the medical world professionally, you’ll need more than a spoonful of experience and the right dose of research to write the perfect personal statement.

To be seriously considered for a place on a medicine course, it’s important to show you have the right experience. Don’t panic If you haven’t got the experience yet –there’s still time to get it, and to think of the other ways you’ve picked up the skills you’ll need for a medical career.

Many medical schools no longer score personal statements in the selection process – so check each university’s individual admissions criteria – but tutors do still read them, and they’re likely to discuss your personal statement with you at interview stage, so it’s worth taking the time to get yours right.  

General advice about writing your personal statement

What do admissions staff at universities and colleges want to see?

Working out what to include in your personal statement can feel daunting, but we’ve got some tips to help get you started. 
  1. Think about why you want to study the subject

    • Have you been inspired by someone, a news story, a documentary, or a podcast?
    • Do you have career aspirations in this area of study?
    • What interests you about the subject – be specific; rather than saying you enjoy it or are good at it, try to explain the ‘why’ behind your reasoning.
    • What do you already know about the subject and what are you looking forward to learning more about?
  2. What makes you suitable to study the subject?

    • Have you done projects or essays in this subject at school or college?
    • Think about who you are as a person; your personality, your strengths, your experiences in life – how do these make you suited to study the subject?
    • How have you shown an interest in the subject outside of school or college – have you done extra reading, online courses, been part of clubs or competitions?
    • Your current subjects and grades will be included elsewhere in your application, so try to think about specific things you’ve learned during your studies that relate to the subject, rather than listing your grades and subjects.
  3. Look at the bigger picture

    • Have you done any work experience, an internship or had a part-time job in this subject area or related? Most job or work experience will give you transferable skills, even if it’s in a different industry.
    • Do you have any hobbies you can mention that might relate to your chosen subject? Many hobbies show that you can be motivated outside of school to achieve and succeed in something you’re interested in.
    • Think about how your life and personal experiences have helped make you the person you are today, and how these challenges and experiences can support your application by evidencing essential qualities for certain subjects.
    • If you’ve got ambitions and goals for your life and career, can you express how this subject will help you reach these goals?

Guidance and examples you can use

Question 1: Why do you want to study this course or subject?

This is your opportunity to showcase your passion and knowledge of your chosen subject area and to demonstrate to universities and colleges why it’s a good fit for you and your future ambitions.


  • What is it about medicine that fascinates you and where does your passion and interest come from? Whether it was a chat with your GP, volunteering in a care home, or having a sick parent or sibling, whatever it is that’s given you the passion and determination to see through a medical degree, make sure you get that across. Bangor University says ‘You must demonstrate an awareness of the healthcare system in the UK and the nature of the medical training in your personal statement’. Reference books and other literature about medicine that has widened your insights and understanding. Keep an eye out for current medical issues and ethical dilemmas being widely discussed. Some applicants can find it harder at the interview stage if they don’t follow the news or these happenings.
  • If you know, mention what kind of medicine you hope to work in, such as cardiology, dermatology, immunology, or geriatric medicine. Try to explain what it is that fascinates you about these areas. If you don’t know yet, that’s ok – but try and give a sense of where your interests lie.

Question 2: How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?

This is your chance to shout about the relevant or transferable skills you’ve gained from your formal education and highlight your understanding of how they will help you succeed in this subject area.


  • Medical students need to be focused, diligent, and hard-working, so give examples of how you’ve managed to study for exams and coursework during your A levels or equivalent. Be specific if you want – explain how you’ve used Trello, Monday, or note-taking to successfully manage your workload.
  • Give examples of how else you’ve got involved in school life, whether through lunchtime clubs, being a class representative, or joining the school council. Your sense of commitment and responsibility can be evidenced through your active involvement in school or college life, your local community or other clubs, societies, or organisations.
  • Are there any specific biology or chemistry projects that relate to the course you’re applying for? Maybe studying disease has made you interested in infectious diseases, oncology, or public health.
  • Have you done any online courses to boost your knowledge in the subject? For example, why not try Subject Spotlights or Virtual Work Experiences from Springpod to grow your skills and interest? 

Question 3: What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?

This is your chance to talk about any other activities you have undertaken outside of your formal education, or personal experiences which further demonstrate your suitability for the course. This section is likely to be highly personal to you and anything you do include should reflect on why you’re including it.


  • Most medical schools are very open about the difficulty of securing clinical experience, like work-shadowing or volunteering in a hospital while still at school or college. University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine says: ‘We would want to see that candidates have a good understanding of the role of the medic, and a realistic and informed view of what the profession entails. Work experience is a great way to gain this. Work experience is strongly advised but is not a requirement for a Cambridge medicine application’. It’s great if you can get some experience, as it will give you the perfect insight into what it means to be a doctor – just make sure you take full advantage of the opportunity, observe carefully, and ask searching questions. However, your work experience doesn’t have to be in a hospital. Most medical schools state that observing or working alongside people in a caring or service role is just as valuable (especially with people who are ill, disabled, disadvantaged, or vulnerable). Mention any opportunities you’ve had like this, and what you learned from them that will help you during your degree, such as patience, empathy, or an understanding of different individuals’ needs
  • Most medical schools expect you to have experienced some of the realities of providing care, support, or services to others, and understand somewhat the physical, organisational, and emotional demands of a medical career. Think what experiences you’ve had that mean you’re equipped for the rigours of a medical degree and job – whether that’s overcoming adversity in your own life, or doing a part-time job in a fast-paced environment like a busy cafe or factory assembly line.
  • Do relate any examples back to the subject you’re applying to – make it relevant
  • Do make it personal – admissions staff want to get to know who you are
  • Do use a spell-checker and grammar-checker to ensure there are no errors
  • Do ask people for feedback, whether that’s family members or teachers
  • Do your research to find out what universities are looking for, and make sure you include evidence to show how you are suitable for the course
  • Don’t just list out examples, subjects you study, or experiences you’ve had without any evidence
  • Don’t copy something you’ve seen online or use AI to write something for you
  • Don’t make things up just because you think they’ll make you look good on paper
  • Don’t leave it until the last minute – you need time for several drafts
  • Don’t worry about making each section the same length; as long as you hit the minimum character count, you can use the 4,000 characters across each answer in the way that suits you best

How to set yourself apart

The key to setting yourself apart in your application is to remember how important the personalbit is to your personal statement. What makes you, you?

Any unusual interests or achievements will make your statement stand out more

If you took a gap year, voluntary work away from home or overseas would demonstrate a broader experience that the average applicant won't have and can help you stand out. Admissions tutors want to see you can live a well-rounded life, balancing your studies with other interests.

When have you grabbed the opportunity to demonstrate some of the behaviours and interpersonal skills that are essential to becoming a doctor? Maybe you’ve cared for a sick relative, or maybe you sat through the night in A&E when your friend was poorly. Think about what makes you stand out and shows you have compassion and authority.

Supporting someone who is ill or vulnerable can provide useful insights and evidence too, although experience in a formal clinical or healthcare setting would usually be preferred as well. Working with people with disabilities, special needs, vulnerable children, youth groups, homeless shelters, and first aid charities can grant you the necessary skills and experience to work in the medical field, so mention if you’ve done this already, or consider trying to find some voluntary work before you submit your statement.

Write about if you’ve ever talked to a doctor about their role – this could be your own GP, especially as this is a specialism that a significant proportion of graduates will ultimately enter.

Reference part-time jobs you have too, as just working in a responsible position in a service setting like a shop, restaurant, or retail pharmacy can be a good way to develop and demonstrate your ability to communicate and interact with a diverse range of people.

The Medical Schools Council also lays out some helpful guidelines and principles for applying for a degree in medicine

Some more tips to consider

  1. Volunteer: Voluntary or paid work in a local care home, nursing home, or hospice can provide a great opportunity to observe how effective care is delivered. Here you can see first-hand what the needs of residents are, and how these are met by staff. You can also get involved, developing the interpersonal skills which medical professionals should possess.
  2. Making your experience count: Keep a reflective diary of all your experiences as you tick them off. Don't simply record what you do or see, but also how specific moments, events, or activities impacted on you or what you learned from them. Do this while they're fresh in your memory and it will be worth its weight in gold when you’re working on your personal statement or preparing for an interview later. The wider the range of your experience, the better – but if you're restricted by your circumstances, then do what you can.
  3. Go to uni events: Attend any university events, medical conferences, lectures or open days that you can get to. While you're there, take the opportunity to interrogate some current medical students about what studying medicine is really like, as well as picking up some tips for applying.
  4. Transferable skills: Whether through extracurricular or supercurricular activities, work experience or a part-time job, you’ll have lots of skills that will be relevant to your course. Try to think outside the box – ok, so you love playing five-a-side football; can you explain how that has given you teamworking and communication skills, and helped with your organising skills and motivation? Remember that to get into medicine, you’ve got to be the kind of student who can achieve high grades while simultaneously leading an active life and having the initiative to make things happen (something that requires good time management).
  5. The Medical Schools Council also lays out some helpful guidelines and principles for applying for a degree in medicine.