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Find out when you need to reply, how to accept or decline offers, and about the different replies you can make.

How to make your replies

When your last decision comes in, we'll send you an email to update let you know all your decisions have been received and you can now reply to any offers you've been given.

  • Sign in to your application to make your replies.
  • You'll see the deadline you need to reply by.

Types of reply

If you have an unconditional offer, you can select it now to confirm your place. If your offers are conditional on exam results or other requirements, you can pick two so you have an extra one as a back-up.

Here's what you need to know about firm and insurance choices, and how to accept or decline an offer.

How to accept an offer

Firm acceptance – this is your first choice.
  • If it's an unconditional offer, the place is yours! So that university will expect you as their student.
  • Or if it's conditional, the place is yours if you meet the offer conditions. So just in case you don't, you can pick a second offer as a backup – your insurance acceptance.
Insurance acceptance – the back-up choice to a conditional firm acceptance.
  • If you're choosing an insurance, go for something with lower offer conditions – make sure it's somewhere you'd still be happy to go to though.
  • That way, if your results are lower than expected, you might still meet the conditions at your insurance choice; then you'd have your place confirmed there.
  • Remember, you'll only attend your insurance choice course if you don't meet the conditions of your firm choice, but you do meet the conditions of your insurance. You can't choose between your firm and insurance when you get your results, so make sure you're happy with which is your firm and which is your insurance before you reply.

How to decline an offer

Decline – you'll need to decline any other offers you get.

However, if you decide you don't want to accept any of the offers, you can decline them all and add more courses in our Extra service. Alternatively, you can see what courses still have vacancies later on in our Clearing service.

You can only accept one firm choice and one insurance choice (if you choose to have one). You must decline all other offers.

Offer and reply combinations

  • Unconditional firm (UF) – You're in!
  • Conditional firm (CF) – You're in if you meet the conditions.
  • Conditional firm (CF) and conditional insurance (CI) – You've made a first and second choice – you'll be in at the first if you meet the conditions. If not, you might have met the conditions of the second – if so you'll be on that course instead.
  • Conditional firm (CF) and unconditional insurance (UI) – You've made a first and second choice – if you meet the conditions of the first you'll be on that course. If not, you'll definitely be on the second.

Reply dates

These are based on when we get the last decision in from your unis or colleges. Check your application to see your personal deadline.​

2025 entry applications
  • If you receive your last decision on or before 14 May 2025, your reply date is 5 June 2025 (except if you're using Extra to find a place).
  • If you receive your last decision on or before 17 July 2025, your reply date is 23 July 2025 (including Extra choices).
2026 entry applications
  • If you receive your last decision on or before 31 March 2026, your reply date is 6 May 2026 (except if you're using Extra to find a place).
  • If you receive your last decision on or before 13 May 2026, your reply date is 3 June 2026 (except if you're using Extra to find a place).
  • If you receive your last decision on or before 15 July 2026, your reply date is 22 July 2026 (including Extra choices).
Don’t want to wait for all your uni decisions?

If you want to, you can permanently withdraw from any outstanding choices to reply to offers you’ve already received. Or you can wait until all decisions have been received, and we’ll then give you a deadline to reply.

If you decide to withdraw a choice, it will not be available to you later and the university or college will be informed you no longer wish to be considered for the course.

Take your time to consider your options and only do this if you’re sure. We strongly recommend that you contact us to discuss your options before making any changes.

Offers for courses with early start dates

If you want to accept a place on a course that starts before your reply date, you should contact the university or college concerned to discuss what to do.

If they give you an earlier deadline to reply, you should be aware that they may withdraw their offer if you do not accept it before their specified deadline.

Missed your deadline?

Your deadline to reply to your offers will have been set once you’ve heard back from all your chosen universities or colleges.

Changed your mind?

Here’s what to do if you change your mind:

  • If you accepted your offers in the last 14 days, contact one of our advisers to make any changes to your replies.
  • If it’s been more than 14 days since you replied to your offers, there is a more detailed process you need to follow. As you’ve agreed to a contract with your chosen unis, it may be possible, but we are unable to guarantee you can change them. You’ll need to speak to them about changing your replies, and then call us, to let us know what you want to do. 
  • No reply swaps are possible after 24 July 2025.
  • If you've changed your mind, and no longer want to go to uni or college this year, you can sign in and completely withdraw your application.