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Here you'll find all the latest reports and insights from UCAS to help you understand the specific needs and motivations of young people trying to decide on their next steps.

The Big UCAS Data Presentation

Counting down the top ten data insights requested by teachers and advisers.

We hope these insights help you to guide conversations, shape advice, and support students in making confident, informed choices for their future.

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Where next? What influences the choices school leavers make?

A ground-breaking UCAS report, based on a survey of 27,000 students, mapping how they make their education choices, and the consequences of these choices.

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Next Steps Report: What is the experience of young adult carers in education?

In its latest report in the Next Steps series, UCAS, with support from the Carers Trust, uses brand new insight collected from the new set of widening participation questions on the UCAS application to examine the educational experiences of young adult carers.

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Project Next Generation

In 2023, we commissioned Project Next Generation – an integrated quantitative and qualitative study to understand what young people are planning for their futures, how they choose their subjects and careers, and how they assess the different pathways to get there. 

This report looks closely at how the findings inform the UCAS strategy to support advisers and their students with relevant information and guidance, and how you, as an adviser, can best leverage our tools.

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