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Our webinars have been created to help you in your role. Register for upcoming webinars and watch playbacks of any you've missed here.

Our free webinars cover a range of topics to help you – including international updates, apprenticeships, and careers advice. 


Upcoming webinars

  1. 04 Dec

    International advisers: How to use the Hub with your students

    09:15 on 4 December

    Virtual work experience, subject tasters, student chat and more – access all the latest tools available to you and your students.

    Register now

  2. 04 Dec

    UK advisers: How to use the Hub with your students

    15:45 on 4 December

    Virtual work experience, subject tasters, student chat and more – access all the latest tools available to you and your students.

    Register now

  3. 14 Jan

    International advisers: Top tips for managing last-minute applications

    09:15 on 14 January 

    Join us ahead of the January equal consideration application deadline for top tips to support your students applying to UK universities.

    Register now

  4. 14 Jan

    UK advisers: Top tips for managing last-minute applications

    15:45 on 14 January 

    Join us ahead of the January equal consideration application deadline for top tips to support your students.

    Register now

On-demand webinars

We've recorded our previous webinars, so if you've missed any of them you can watch them in your own time.


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An opportunity to discover new information from leading voices across the education sector. 

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