2026 cycle toolkit
Everything you need to prepare for the 2026 application cycle – all in one place.
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The 2025 cycle toolkit
Everything you need to prepare for the 2025 application cycle – all in one place.
Conservatoire application toolkit
This toolkit includes information and resources to help you support students applying to conservatoires.
Students with individual support needs toolkit
For some students, their individual circumstances can have a significant impact on their decision to go to university or college – and on their ability to succeed when they are there. To make sure they’re aware of the range of support available, we’ve pulled together some tips and key resources for you to share with them throughout the different stages of the application process.
UCAS/Discovery toolkit
We have a range of resources for you, including event activities, posters, and videos to help you and your students get the most out of UCAS/Discovery Week.