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When your centre is set up to accept 2026 applications, your students can link to you so you can support them with their applications.

Setting up your buzzword

A buzzword is a unique term you can give to students applying through your centre. Students are asked for this buzzword when they start their application. It automatically links them to your centre – giving you permission to attach your reference, view, and manage their application.

Buzzword key points  

  • You need to set up a buzzword at the start of each new cycle.
  • To avoid confusion between application cycles, we recommend using a different buzzword from those used in previous cycles.
  • Try to make the buzzword unique to your centre. Avoid the use of words that might be used by other centres – for example, University2025, Applying2025 or UCAS2025.
  • You can pick a new buzzword at any time in the cycle in ‘Centre management’, but remember to let your staff and students know if it changes.
  • Students who enter the buzzword at the start of the application are automatically listed in the adviser portal.
  • Students who start an application and enter the buzzword in the status bar of their application will need to be accepted by the school or college via the ‘waiting to link to centre’ filter.
  • After the application has been submitted to UCAS, students need to contact us to be linked to a centre.

Supporting former students

Former students can request to be linked:

  • for a reference only – this means you’ll need to add a reference to their application but won’t be able to view or manage it for them
  • to your centre in full, so you can view and manage the application

Applicants will need your centre buzzword to request either of these options.

Top tip

Accepting an application in full means you’re agreeing to approve their application, write and attach a reference, and send their application to UCAS once all sections are complete.

The student will also be included in your centre's progression data. By entering the buzzword, the student is giving you permission to view and manage their application. 

Once you have accepted a request from an applicant to link (for full application or reference only), they cannot unlink themselves – you’ll need to contact UCAS. Please remember to check the link request before accepting it. 

For more help understanding the different reference processes for independent, centre-linked, and reference-only applicants please see our guidance on terminology used