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Here we'll keep you updated with the latest information on how to appeal your grades.

If you’re unhappy with one or more of your grades, you may be thinking of talking to your school or college about appealing. The process for this differs depending on where you live in the UK. The latest info can be found below:

England read Ofqual’s guidance on this year's exam arrangements and appeals.

Scotland get the latest updates on the appeals process from SQA.

Wales details of appeals will be on the Qualifications Wales website.

Northern Ireland guidance on the appeals process will be on CCEA’s website.


What you need to know

How do I appeal?

If you are unhappy with your grade(s), the first thing you need to do is talk to your school or college. They can advise what your options are and will submit a request to the exam board on your behalf – you cannot do this yourself.

If you are an independent applicant, you will need to talk to the centre that submitted your grades about making an appeal. 

What happens to my application if my grades are appealed? Will the university hold my place?

The best thing to do is contact your university or college as soon as possible to discuss your situation.

If the university of college agrees to hold your place, make sure you keep them up-to-date and let them know if anything changes. If unfortunately they can’t hold your place, or your appeal is unsuccessful, don’t forget there are still plenty of courses available through Clearing which is open until 21 October.

While you’re waiting for your appeal and to find out if you’ve got your firm place, we advise you to look for places in Clearing at the same time.

If my grades are being appealed, when should I let my uni know?

You need to let your university or college know straight away. 

I've appealed my grades to get into my firm choice but have since secured a place elsewhere. What do I need to do?

You do not need to do anything in these circumstances, your new choice is confirmed and you’re off to university.

If you’re placed in Clearing and would like to go back to your original firm choice, check they’re happy to accept your application in Clearing instead – if they confirm, you can decline your place and add them back on. 

Get more advice about dealing with unexpected grades