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This option is for candidates who have completed, or are finishing, a doctorate. It is a three-year teacher training programme that offers a combination of classroom teaching and research opportunities, as you work towards gaining QTS. As well as gaining a teaching qualification, participants work towards the Research Leader in Education Award – a programme of professional development that utilises and enhances the skills researchers have, to maximise their impact on schools.
Study mode
Study level
Course type
Teaching qualifications
Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
Student loans
Application method
Direct to scheme
Secondary subjects in demand
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer science
  • Geography
  • Languages
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
Classroom experience preferred
School placement
Placement available (including NQT year, and compulsory third year)
Fees and funding notes
Salaried and bursary options available for training year.
Postgraduate duration
3 years

Researchers in Schools, including the Maths and Physics Chairs programme, is a tailored teacher training programme for high-calibre candidates, that offers a combination of classroom teaching and research-driven activities, enabling you to help all students excel, regardless of their background. As part of the programme, participants receive honorary research associate status at a leading university, giving them access to resources and information.

It is open to candidates who have completed, or are finishing, their PhD. For 2019 entry, the programme is open to applicants in the following subject areas:

  • Physics*
  • Mathematics*
  • Engineering
  • Chemistry*
  • Biology
  • Computing*
  • English
  • Modern Languages (French/German/Spanish)*
  • Geography
  • History
  • Classics

(*Nationally-recognised, high priority subjects.)

The programme takes place over three years, and starts with an induction course, 'Summer Training', in August 2019. Topics covered at this training include making the career transition into secondary education, designing your Uni Pathways course (a structured programme of university-style tutorials based on your PhD), and widening access strategies. You'll also get to know other participants on the programme.

After this, you will be placed into a school to develop your teaching practice on the job, and work towards gaining QTS. In Year 1, you will spend three days per week in the classroom, supported by a structured programme of training, classroom teaching, and mentoring. In addition, you'll have one day per week off timetable, to work towards the Research Leader in Education Award (RLE), including delivering Uni Pathways.

In Year 2, you’ll teach as a newly-qualified teacher (NQT) in your placement school, with continued mentoring and training. For the RLE, you’ll design and pilot a research-informed project that works towards increasing students’ subject knowledge, or widening university access.

Year 3 of the programme sees you complete the RLE, while continuing to teach in your placement school. As part of the RLE, you will receive leadership training, enabling you to train your colleagues to roll out your Year 2 pilot project in school, maximising your impact.

Fees and funding

With Researchers in Schools programmes, there are salaried and bursary routes available for your first year. All participants entering Year 2 of the programme will be paid a full salary, according to the national teacher pay scale.

For those teaching maths or physics who are eligible for the salaried route, there is an additional salary uplift in the first two years. The programme is open to participants in other subjects, but no salary uplift is available. See the Researchers in Schools website for more information on eligibility, finance, and features.

Applications and entry requirements

You must have achieved the following minimum requirements to be eligible to apply for Researchers in Schools:

  1. You’ll need to hold, or be about to be awarded, a doctorate in the subject area you wish to teach.
  2. You’ll need to have achieved a standard equivalent to grade C/4, or above, in the GCSE examinations in English and mathematics.
  3. You must also meet some non-academic requirements, including a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, and declaration of criminal convictions.

Applications are made directly to Researchers in Schools. There are a number of application windows that run throughout the year. Check their website for specific programme information and entry requirements.

Apply via Researchers in Schools