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Admissions Good Practice

The fair admissions code of practice demonstrates the higher education sector’s commitment to fair and transparent admissions practices.

The code was developed during Universities UK’s Fair admissions review and is referenced in UCAS’ admissions principles, which form part of the UCAS Application and Recruitment Policy.

UCAS is committed to producing good practice resources in conjunction with the sector to support fair admissions. We do this is response to the changing admissions landscape, and work with stakeholders across the sector and our advisory groups to discuss and refine guidance. These are publicly available to support transparency and understanding across the sector. If you have any feedback or would like to propose a topic for good practice, please contact Carolyn Mindos, Principal Admissions Reform Lead at

Supporting Professionalism in Admissions (SPA) was an independent and objective voice on UK higher education admissions, to promote professionalism, fair admissions, and access to higher education that previously produced advice and guidance on admissions. UCAS have maintained the resources developed by SPA in an archive page