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Find out what the different decisions from training providers in your application mean, and how to reply to them.
  • Before you're offered a place on a teacher training programme, you'll have an interview. Find out how to prepare for your interview.
  • Once you’ve received decisions from all your choices, you'll be given a deadline to reply to any offers you’ve been given. You only need to reply to your offers once you've had decisions from all your choices.
  • Read on to find out more about the different decisions you may receive and how to reply.
  • If you’re sure you already have the offer you want, you can withdraw from any outstanding choices to accept that offer. 

Training providers’ decisions

You’ll find out in your application what decision each training provider has made on your application.
  • If you apply by 26 January 2022, providers have until 19 May 2022 to decide whether they’re making you an offer. Any choices outstanding after this will be made unsuccessful. 
  • If you apply by 30 June 2022, providers have until 14 July 2022 to decide whether they’re making you an offer. Any choices outstanding after this will be made unsuccessful. 

Training providers can make the following decisions

Unconditional offer: you’ve got a firm offer of a place on this programme. You’ll only get this if you have met at least all the academic requirements in full. You may still have to meet some non-academic requirements, like a Disclosure and Barring Service check.

Conditional offer: you have an offer of a place on this programme, as long as you meet some conditions. All conditions should clearly state what you’re expected to do, by when, and must be in your control to achieve. If you have any queries about a condition, your training provider should give clarification, and/or amend the details of the offer. They should clearly inform you when an inability to meet these conditions will result in your application being unsuccessful.

Withdraw: if you don’t attend the interview or don’t reply to correspondence, or if the training programme becomes full and a recruitment control is applied, then the training provider will withdraw your application. This means your application won’t be considered further. If you want to be considered again by that training provider, you’d need to apply through Extra. Training providers may also need to withdraw an offer after they've made it. If this happens, they should be clear about why the decision has been made. 

Unsuccessful: your application has been unsuccessful. We can only give you a reason why you’ve been unsuccessful if the training provider has told us. We do encourage them to do this.

Not qualified in English, maths or science: this may mean that you do not have a GCSE at a high enough grade in one or more of these subjects and won’t be able to achieve it before the programme begins. It might mean that the qualification you hold in one or more of these subjects is not considered to be the equivalent of a GCSE.

Not considered: programme full: this is unlikely to happen since training providers have to consider applications they receive when their programme is open and you can only apply when it is. However, sometimes there might be a small time gap between you sending your application to us and it being sent to the provider. It’s possible that a programme could close in that time.

Some training providers may have more applicants than places, so may not be able to offer you a place, even if you performed well at your interview. They could:

  • refer you to another training provider in their partnership that has spaces
  • ask you to reapply in the next application cycle. You’ll still be able to apply to other training providers. If you decide you don’t want to reapply in the next cycle, you must let them know

Your consumer rights

You should have received specific information from your chosen training providers to help you make an informed decision. They're required to make this available to you under consumer protection legislation – find out about the information you should receive.

Replying to your offers

Once you’ve received decisions from all your choices, you'll be given a deadline to reply to any offers you’ve got.
  • If you receive your last decision on or before 19 May 2022, your reply date is 9 June 2022.
  • If you receive your last decision on or before 14 July 2022, your reply date is 21 July 2022.
  • You must reply to your offers in your application. Any verbal or email communication with a training provider will not be considered formal decisions.
  • You can accept a firm and an insurance choice. You'll need to decline any other offers you have. 
  • But if you don’t want to accept any of the offers, you can decline them all.
  • Make sure you respond by your deadline or your offers will be automatically declined.
  • If you accept an unconditional offer, you’re agreeing to take a place on that programme with that training provider.
  • If you accept a conditional offer, you’re agreeing to take a place on that programme with that training provider, if you meet all the conditions.
You can accept an offer before you’ve heard from all your choices. However, we’d advise you to think very carefully before doing this and don’t do it unless you’re very sure this is the right choice for you. To do this, you must withdraw from any providers who have not given a decision. The option to reply will only become available in your application after you have done this.