Accommodation providers: rising to the challenge in a dynamic landscape

In today's dynamic marketing landscape, student accommodation providers face a myriad of challenges and opportunities.

Here's a concise breakdown of key strategies and insights from industry experts to help you stay ahead: 


1. Personalisation:

Tailoring messages to individual student needs can significantly enhance engagement and conversion rates. Utilise multi-channel campaigns to deliver personaliszed content that resonates with your audience. 


2. Engagement and Timing

Connect with students early and strategically. Engage with them at key decision-making moments to ensure your messaging is relevant and impactful. Reach out to applicants through various touchpoints to maintain their interest. 


3. New Channels

Experiment with emerging platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. These channels offer unique opportunities to connect with students where they are most active. Get in touch with our team to learn how we can harness these channels for your business message. 


4. Digital Transformation

Integrate digital strategies and technologies into your marketing campaigns. This approach allows you to optimise reach and effectiveness while staying relevant in a digital-first world. 


5. Budget Allocation and Branding

Strike a balance between digital spending and brand-building initiatives. Investing in both areas is crucial for creating a strong and memorable brand presence that resonates with students. 


6. Collaboration

 Partnering with universities can provide valuable insights and resources. By working together, you can enhance the overall student experience and mutually benefit from shared expertise. 


Stay ahead of the curve by watching our full webinar for more insights.

Contact us today to integrate digital trends into your marketing strategies and thrive in the competitive student accommodation market. 

More insights from UCAS

Check out our latest blog posts, packed with useful information and insights from the experts, for accommodation providers looking to reach future tenants.

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