Speak to our experts to help you decide on your next steps.
Come and see us at our campus event at the University of Stirling. UCAS Discovery is a place to discover all your options, under one roof. We can help you discover traditional degrees, apprenticeships, careers, and more.
What will you discover?
At UCAS Discovery, you can:
chat to unis and colleges about their courses and uni life
speak to employers about what an apprenticeship is like and the options available
listen to talks from experts in their fields
get dedicated support from our UCAS experts about your options
Opening times
Thu 28 August 2025 - 09:30
Find out what UCAS Discovery is all about.
“Before I went to the UCAS Discovery event, I had no idea what to do after Sixth Form. At the event, I spoke to a degree apprentice who told me about his experience. I was really excited by the concept of getting paid, on-the-job experience while also getting to study – it was then I decided I wanted to go down the apprenticeship route. I'm now an apprentice at IBM.”
“I knew I wanted to study an artsy subject and go into an art-based career. I always loved subjects like music and art, and going to UCAS Discovery and talking to all the people there about the options available helped me decide which course would be best for her. I’m now studying concept art for games and film at Staffordshire University.”
What's Discovery like?
of attendees in 2022 found a uni, college or employer they were interested in applying to.
Will I enjoy it?
of students attending rate UCAS events as good or great.