Subject Tabs

Explore Subject Tabs in the UCAS Tracker
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Subject Overview

This page is designed to let you quickly identify your biggest gains or losses by subject area. 

Use this page to: 

  • Sort columns by your chosen statistic to see your subject areas with the biggest change. 
  • Compare market share with your CAH competitor group. 
  • Export your chosen view for onward use in your own reporting.

Subject Tabs Top Tip

Identify portfolio gaps
Spot potential gaps in your portfolio by identifying subject areas of growth for the sector.

Subject Benchmark Quadrants

The view on this page organises your subject areas into benchmarking categories so that you can easily view where you might be out of line against the competition.

This page is similar to the Subject Overview, but the layout and visualisations may be better suited for Marketing colleagues.

Use this page to:

  • Spotlight subjects of strength or weakness (CAH1, CAH2 or CAH3 views available.)
  • Screenshot subject analysis views into PowerPoint to share with your stakeholders.
  • Plan or adjust your in-cycle subject marketing spend.

Subject Benchmark Quadrants Top Tip

Performance focus
Use the domicile options on the new Filters page to subset the data you see in the Subject Benchmark Quadrants to focus on your UK, EU or Overseas performance.

What providers think

Callum Evans, University of South Wales
The ability to benchmark performance for CAH groups is important to us, as it allows us to identify areas of opportunities and threats. We’re also able to easily track performance for our priority subjects.