Reach Gen Z talent during National Apprenticeship Week 2024

With UCAS you can can recruit apprentices

Become an employer of choice

At UCAS we're on a mission to help young people discover and explore apprenticeship opportunities as easily as undergraduate degrees. 

Each year, over 1,000,000 students register with us - joining the UK's biggest talent pool of students and graduates. Our latest research reflects the high level of interest in apprenticeships, with almost three in five (59%) of young people in years 9-12 considering an apprenticeship. 

Working with UCAS your organisation can harness the power of our unrivalled data and insights and showcase your employer brand to a highly engaged audience exploring their future opportunities.


What is UCAS doing for National Apprenticeship Week 2024?

  • Sharing advice, information and content about apprenticeships on, when high volumes of traffic are expected
  • Delivering an extensive social media campaign, keeping the conversation going and driving traffic to
  • Dedicated emails across the week, sent to hundreds of thousands of young people and their parents, teachers and career advisers
  • Live interactive webinars featuring employers and current apprentices, providing a real-life insight into apprenticeships
  • Additional content designed for advisers and influencers
  • Apprenticeship opportunities displayed side-by-side with university courses on UCAS Career Finder

How can your organsation get involved?

Our team of marketing and sales experts have designed an array of different packages, designed to help you leverage the power and trust of the UCAS brand during National Apprenticeship Week, from the wide reach of display advertising on, to hyper targeted email sends and more.

Build brand awareness

Utilise the reach of and get your organisation in front of the right audience.
This package includes:

> Enhanced Employer Profile
> Unlimited promoted jobs on UCAS Career Finder

Price: £5,000 +VAT

Showcase you organisation

Get your brand in front of the right audience and target them with engaging communications. 
This package includes: 

> Enhanced Employer Profile
> Unlimited promoted jobs on UCAS Career Finder


> Targeted email sent to up to 2,500 registered students during National Apprenticeship Week 
> Display advertising on, up to 50,000 impressions, during National Apprenticeship Week 2024

Price: £7,500 + VAT

Be an employer of choice

Position yourself as a champion of apprenticeships during National Apprenticeships Week 2024
This package includes: 

> Your organisation’s MPU banner within the body of two dedicated National Apprenticeship Week emails to applicants, pre-applicants, and teachers/parents/advisers, linking directly to your Employer Profile

> Enhanced Employer Profile
> Unlimited promoted jobs on UCAS Career Finder


> Hub Live sponsorship, including your logo on the intro, outro and a watermark throughout
> A seat on the panel, providing real life about being an apprentice within your organisation and answering questions
> Promoted on UCAS social media and

Price: £15,000  + VAT

Adapt the bundles to your exact needs

If you're looking for a more bespoke solution to help supercharge your apprenticeship recruitment, contact our team who can tweak one of our existing packages to suit your needs. Alternatively, we can enlist the help of our consultancy service to create a bespoke package based on your organisation's exact needs. 

How can your organisation benefit from working with UCAS?

From the wide reach of display advertising on, to hyper targeted email sends, you can leverage the power and trust of the UCAS brand during National Apprenticeship Week - and beyond - to help achieve your organisation's strategic goals. Find out more about how we can work with you as an employer

  1. Influence young people's decision making

    Engage with the next generation of talent early - inspire them as they explore their options and plan their next steps.
  2. Advertise your apprenticeship opportunities

    Reach Gen Z talent - promote your latest apprenticeship opportunities side-by-side with undergraduate courses on UCAS Career Finder
  3. Position yourself as a thought leader

    Share your organisation's expertise, insight and knowledge of apprenticeship across UCAS' social media channels