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Annual Conference for Teachers and Advisers 2024

Date and location
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Zoe Healey

Work Experience Lead, Careers Enterprise Company

Zoe is Industry and Work Experience Lead at the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC), shaping and overseeing the CEC’s approach to driving more quality workplace experiences. Prior to joining the CEC in 2023, Zoe was the Hub Lead for the South Yorkshire Careers Hub, managing a network of schools and colleges and driving progress against the Gatsby Benchmarks. Zoe is passionate about embedding meaningful employer engagement in education and the role that equitable access to quality workplace experiences has in developing young people’s career readiness. Zoe has an MA in Careers Education and Coaching from the University of Derby.Zoe is Industry and Work Experience Lead at the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC), shaping and overseeing the CEC’s approach to driving more quality workplace experiences. Prior to joining the CEC in 2023, Zoe was the Hub Lead for the South Yorkshire Careers Hub, managing a network of schools and colleges and driving progress against the Gatsby Benchmarks. Zoe is passionate about embedding meaningful employer engagement in education and the role that equitable access to quality workplace experiences has in developing young people’s career readiness. Zoe has an MA in Careers Education and Coaching from the University of Derby.

Tuesday 27 February 2024 13:35 - 14:20

Gatsby benchmark 5 - what it really means and how you can achieve it