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Annual Conference for Teachers and Advisers 2024

Date and location
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Stacey Giles

Head of Widening Access and Collaborative Outreach Projects, UWE

Stacey has worked at Uwe Bristol for 17 years, 7 of those working in widening participation, currently Head of Widening Access and Collaborative Outreach Projects. In this role she led on the implementation of Uwe’s contextual admissions policy in 2022 and the creation of the access to Uwe programme that supports all contextual offer holders. Her role includes supporting underrepresented groups to access Higher Education, delivering inclusive recruitment practices, and creating accessible admissions processes.

Prior to her current role Stacey was Programme manager for Future Quest, a Uni Connect partnership based at Uwe Bristol. In this role she had strategic oversight of the implementation of the targeted outreach programme a progressive and sustainable programme of activities delivered to underrepresented learners in the Bristol and South Gloucestershire area, this involved developing partnerships with Universities, FE Colleges and a number of third sector organisations including Causeway Education.

Tuesday 27 February 2024 13:35 - 14:20

Admissions practices - contextualised admissions and how decisions are made