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Annual Conference for Teachers and Advisers 2024

Date and location
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Siobhan Williams

Business Engagement Manager, UCAS


Siobhan is responsible for cultivating business engagement relationships on behalf of UCAS, within the apprenticeship employing field.  Siobhan’s role is to assist apprenticeship providing organisations and the apprenticeship sector as a whole, gain exposure to a wider audience allowing the public to make more informed decisions about their future career pathways.  Siobhan has extensive experience of working with progression and young people in Key Stages 4-5 within a STEM focused learning environment. Working in line with Gatsby Guidelines, Siobhan has actively engaged employers and the educational sector with young people, to help inform them of the breadth of opportunities available to them. Siobhan is passionate in assisting UCAS with creating stronger parity between traditional HE routes and apprenticeships.  
Monday 26 February 2024 11:15 - 12:00

Supporting students to find and apply for apprenticeships

Tuesday 27 February 2024 13:35 - 14:20

Gatsby benchmark 5 - what it really means and how you can achieve it