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Annual Conference for Teachers and Advisers 2024

Date and location
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Future-proofing CIAG: providing advice in a changing world

Tuesday 27 February 2024 14:35 - 15:20
Open to all
Open to all


Research by University Alliance (UA) shows that the number one concern for young people, and parents of young people, who are considering university is what their job prospects will be after graduating.

But how will shifting demographics, politics and technology affect the skills and experience they will need for future careers? And how can teachers and advisors support them to make sense of their options?

This session will:

• Explore the political and demographic context that schools, universities and careers advisors are working in today.
• Share original research conducted by UA, which identifies the views and concerns of young people and their parents when it comes to next steps.
• Share views from employers about the skills and experience that will be useful to your students in the future.