What is the Fair Access Programme?

The UCAS Fair Access Programme was launched in October 2021 to build on our existing work to support widening access and participation, and to add further value to the work already underway across the sector.  

The Fair Access Programme aims to:

  • transform the sector’s understanding of students, through new questions, data, and insight 
  • connect HE and outreach providers to the hardest-to-reach students, earlier 
  • help the sector understand what works in WP 
  • help bring schools, colleges, and universities closer together 
  • remove barriers and inspire students 

These objectives were shaped by the views of over 100 stakeholders across the UK through a national consultation to understand where UCAS could best support the sector – including universities, colleges, schools, charitable organisations, and outreach providers. 

Although the consultation has ended, the conversation continues: we are always keen to hear ideas – big and small – about how UCAS can help to support widening access and participation. Please share your thoughts with us at access@ucas.ac.uk

Upcoming UCAS events

No upcoming events – please check back later.

Upcoming non-UCAS events

Find out where we will be speaking about our work to support widening access and participation.

We’ll update these listings as details become available, so keep checking back.

If you would like to see a future event listed here, please email the details to access@ucas.ac.uk.

Clear Links webinar: disabled students

4 July 2024, online

UCAS will be presenting data and research into the experience of disabled applicants and outlining some of the key challenges. We’ll explain some of the work UCAS is doing to improve the journey of disabled students, and resources we have to support their next steps into HE and apprenticeships.

More information and register.

UCAS data and insight reports

Next Steps

The Next Steps series offers a snapshot of UCAS applicants who are about to take their next steps, combining survey data and UCAS application data to explore: 

  • applicants’ experiences in education to date 
  • their decision-making journey – how they research their choices, who supports them, and, completing the UCAS application 
  • what they are looking forward to or worried about in HE 
  • intersectionality – and hidden challenges  
  • patterns in applicant preferences and behaviours 

To date, these reports have covered the experiences of: care-experienced students, disabled students, LGBT+ students, and nursing applicants. We also have a report looking at student mental health

Where Next

The Where Next? series also brings together UCAS data with student surveys to understand students’ pathways through HE and apprenticeships, exploring: 

  • mindset and motivations  
  • influences and influencers  
  • aspirations and worries 
  • patterns in applications and acceptances 
  • forecasts for the future  

Read all UCAS insight reports 

Data available to you

Further resources

Keep in touch

If you have any thoughts on how UCAS can support widening access and participation across higher education and apprenticeships, please get in touch. We’re also happy to answer any questions you may have about the Fair Access Programme and products and services that support widening access and participation. 

Email us at access@ucas.ac.uk