Adviser contact details update


As a UCAS Registered Centre Correspondent or Head of Establishment you can use this form to let us know if your contact details change, so we can ensure your school or centre is receiving all the information needed to support students.  

If you are not one of the roles mentioned above you cannot update the contact details for your school/centre.

If you are not the Head of Establishment, please add their details below.
Can’t find your centre listed? Email with your centre details and your five-digit UCAS registered centre code stating the changes you would like to make. 
New Head of Establishment
New UCAS Correspondent

Press submit to agree to the UCAS terms and conditions and send us the updated contact details for your school or centre. Updates to the Adviser Portal will take at least 48 hours to activate. 

If your colleagues would also like to receive information and guidance from UCAS they can sign up here

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