With UCAS you can reach Gen-Z in person - engaging with them early, as they start exploring future opportunities and are ready to make connections that last.

Meet young people face-to-face

Our events visit more than 40 towns and cities across the UK, providing brands with an unparralled opportunity to meet young people face-to-face.

For thousands of young people, attending a UCAS event is their first step when exploring the different future pathways available to them and when they're open to new ideas..

For brands, this gives you an exciting opportunity to stand out and making a lasting impression with students within an environment they trust.

Stand out and make a lasting impression

UCAS events are perfect for brands looking to connect with Gen-Z. Showcase how your products and services can provide the value that matters to young people and how you can support their journey into adult, the first step of which for many is heading off to university.

Our recent indepenent analysis shows that one in four students discover new brands when starting university, up from 16% in 2022, showing that young people are open to new ideas at this crucial life moment.

Exhibiting at UCAS events gives brands an opportunity to...

Build lifelong connections with Gen-Z

From product demonstrations, to giveaways, and gamification, there are many ways that you can bring your offering to life and grab the attention of young people attending our events.

In addition to our events, UCAS offers a unique media ecosystem, designed and built around the application journey, comprised of a broad variety of channels including email, paid media, direct mail, and social media. This provides you with different ways to keep the conversation going with young people post-event.

Explore how we work with brands