Gilmar Queiros is the Head of Skills and Apprenticeships at the University of Hertfordshire. Gilmar has worked with a number of Universities in the UK – supporting and developing their apprenticeship and work-based learning provision. Gilmar previously worked at Universities UK where he supported the development of apprenticeship standards for the Higher Education sector through one of the largest Trailblazer consortia in England, consisting of over 100 Universities across the UK. Gilmar is passionate about Skills and helping businesses, and their relevant workforces, grow and develop. Gilmar has served strategic roles such as a University Trustee and Academic Board Member, whilst supporting advisory groups via DfE, IfATE, OfS, UVAC, UA and most recently acted as a member of the Apprenticeship Diversity Champions Network, aligned with his passion and specific focus on social mobility and widening participation across the country.