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Admissions Conference 2021

Date and location
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Student choice - the journey to higher education

Tuesday 30 March 2021 12:00 – 12:50
Presentation - Information giving with time for questions
Open to all


This session will delve into the data behind our recently published report on student choice. 

It will track a student’s decision making processes through all levels of education and cover how this may impact their choice of degree subject. It will also examine the other influencing factors on a student’s choice of degree subject. Crucially, it will then examine how students can be better supported in making these vital decisions.  

Learning outcomes:
  • Understand the key influencing factors in what qualifications a student chooses at GCSE/National 5 and/or post-16
  • Understand how the qualifications taken at school impact degree subject and provider choice
  • Understand what other motivating factors influence a student’s choice of subject
  • Understand what kind of information and advice would help students in making these choices