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International Teachers’ and Advisers’ Conference 2020 – online

Date and location
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Hand in hand: How schools and universities can support students with their transition to university

Day Session six
Open to all


Within the context of a sector-wide focus on student well-being, this session will explore the potential for collaborative working between schools, colleges, and universities to promote successful transition to higher education.

Developing a sense of belonging and connectedness is central to a student’s journey into higher education, and the transition across cultures is a particular feature of the international student transition experience.

This session will reflect on examples of transition support within three different UK universities (University of Bath, University of Exeter, and University of Greenwich). It will include an opportunity for participants to review findings from belonging and transition research, including practical approaches to cultural shock and cross-cultural adjustment (University of Greenwich) and the Lizzio & Wilson Five Senses of Success model for transition, which underpins the University of Bath’s approach.

The session will draw on expertise from the school/college and HE sector, to identify areas of common concern for students. The session will discuss practice from both ‘sides of the desk’ in preparing students for university life, giving tangible solutions to supporting students and promoting effective transition to the new academic environment.

Examples discussed will include initiatives universities are using to support students in their transition to Higher Education in this year’s COVID-19 outbreak.

Learning outcomes

  • Outline specific transition challenges facing international students in UK higher education, including cross-cultural factors.
  • Review some of the research base for transition, including the ‘Lizzio & Wilson Five Senses of Success’ model, focused on building an academic culture which develops the student’s sense of connection, capability, purpose, and resourcefulness.
  • Discuss examples of approaches to transition from ‘both sides of the desk’, from the school/college environment and from three UK universities.
  • Identify tangible opportunities to support transition in their own practice as teachers and advisers.