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Annual Admissions Conference 2020 – CANCELLED

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Martin Hookham-Simms

Head of International Recruitment, Sussex University


Martin leads the International Office at Sussex, with strategic oversight for international recruitment and internationalisation. 

Since joining Sussex in 2011, Martin has restructured and expanded the international team to cover a wider diversity of markets, including the opening of four overseas offices in China, Nigeria, and Malaysia, and supporting the establishment of an international partnerships function and oversight of student exchanges. In addition, Martin has been instrumental in establishing an on-campus intercultural annual event, and undertaking pioneering work with the Guardian Online during 2015, in a feature called the Global Student. Prior to joining the University of Sussex, Martin was Head of International Office for five years at the University of Roehampton, working in markets throughout Europe, North America, Africa, Asia, and Australasia. In addition, Martin had oversight of international student support, student mobility, and strategic partnerships.

His work includes leading a team that has won the EuroAsia Award for Most Preferred UK University (2018), Tencent Award for Most Favoured UK University for Chinese families (2018), HEIST Award for Best International Initiative (2016), shortlisted for a Times Higher Award for Best International Recruitment Strategy (2015), and Best Education Marketing (2006). A graduate of product design from the University of Huddersfield, Martin also completed an MBA in Higher Education Management at the Institute of Education, University College London in 2012.

Martin is a member of the British Universities International Liaison Association (BUILA) Executive, where he represents the views of the sector in relation to the Government’s Study UK campaign, and key liaison with the British Council.

Tuesday 28 April 2020 12:20 – 13:20

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