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Annual Admissions Conference 2020 – CANCELLED

Date and location
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Sandra Kershaw

Product Owner: Applications and Admissions/Recruitment and Admissions Manager, Departments of Chemical Engineering and Materials, The University of Manchester


Sandra has worked in student recruitment and admissions at The University of Manchester (formerly UMIST) since 2001. Since 2007, she has managed one of the 17 school-based admissions teams at the university.

The past 12 years have brought with them a great deal of change, both in the HE landscape and in student admissions, particularly in terms of compliance, applicant expectations, and IT developments. As co-product owner of the application and admissions workstream of the university’s Student Lifecycle Project, Sandra has been involved in the design and development of new business processes that exploit advances in IT to ensure the university’s admissions staff can deliver an excellent applicant experience.

Tuesday 28 April 2020 15:10 – 16:10

Delivering technological, business process and cultural change in admissions