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Annual Admissions Conference 2020 – CANCELLED

Date and location
This event has now finished

Jo Boyd

Service Delivery Partner (Results), UCAS


Jo joined UCAS in 2001 and has worked in many roles from her original position as Support Officer to Customer Service, and many in-between, into her current role as the Service Deliver Partner, Results.

Her role includes managing relationships with exam boards, with whom we have some fantastic collaborative approaches, and who are eager to be involved in progression with our new services being mindful of technological requirements. Jo manages the annual timetables and calendars, with her team, making sure we work together with the rest of the business especially our admissions teams. Jo works closely with the Policy Team in understanding the qualifications landscape, qualification data management, the UCAS Tariff, and collaborate on customer engagement.

Jo also manages certain aspects of the embargo breach project collaborating with the small team that look at what we can do next, how communications are shared, who we engage with, and helping shape training.

Wednesday 29 April 2020 09:50 – 10:50

The UCAS results services – a gallop through the admissions calendar