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Annual Admissions Conference 2020 – CANCELLED

Date and location
This event has now finished

Supporting disability and diversity in higher education – a student-centred approach to enabling success

Tuesday 28 April 2020 15:10 – 16:10
Workshop – an interactive session with specific tasks and outcomes for attendees
Open to all


Going to university can present challenges for anyone, but for disabled students and those with learning difficulties, mental health conditions, and long-term health conditions, these challenges can be more extensive – and preparation is even more important.

The STAART initiative at the University of Greenwich is led by student ambassadors – students with their own disability or diversity – who give information and guidance to those who may not feel university is for them, and to assist new students prepare for transition and the realities of university life.

Learning outcomes

  • An understanding of how specialist student ambassadors could be used to improve the transition experience for new students, and to encourage those who may not think university is for them to rethink.
  • Take away some practical ideas for how to support incoming disabled students and those with learning difficulties, mental health conditions, and long-term health conditions.