‘Everybody else is doing OK, so what is wrong with me?’ How to help young people survive and thrive through the transition to university
Transitioning to university is a challenging time for many students, partly because of the gap between how university life is portrayed in popular culture, and how it really is. There is evidence that young people struggle to visualise what university might be like, which leaves them unprepared for the reality of their new lives. Working with young people, we have an opportunity to help prepare them to improve their chances of succeeding in their new environment, and to increase the likelihood of them coping well if things get difficult – to help them build their resilience.
Many students wonder why ‘everybody else is doing okay, what is wrong with me?’ – so tackling this concern openly before they arrive at university can help them to recognise what resources they have, both within themselves, and from support services to address this worry.
This workshop will help delegates to think about their roles and responsibilities:
Learning outcomes