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The Annual Conference for Teachers and Advisers 2018

Date and location
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Ahmar Ehsan

Funding Information Services Account Manager, Student Loans Company


Ahmar has been working at the Student Loans Company since December 2016 as part of the wider Funding Information Services Team, as the regional Account Manager for the Midlands. The team are the SLC experts for student finance IAG, and work with careers advisers, outreach and recruitment staff, and other IAG professionals to incorporate student finance into further, higher and postgraduate education, delivering Matrix Standard accredited student funding information and support. 
Previous to his work at SLC Ahmar worked at Coventry University as a Senior UK Recruitment Officer. As a Careers Adviser, Ahmar spent 14 years in Further Education Colleges managing a front line student support & careers service leading on widening participation initiatives in higher education transition for all level 3 learners. 
With 22 years’ experience of the FE and HE sector, Ahmar is well positioned to support a multitude of initiatives including currently leading on the UniConnect programme within his team at SLC & OFS

Monday 5 February 2018 16:10 - 17:10

Student finance