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The Annual Conference for Teachers and Advisers 2018

Date and location
This event has now finished

Aligning the EPQ with university learning

Monday 5 February 2018 11:20 - 12:20
Breakout session
This session would suit new EPQ coordinators and supervisors, but also those more experienced teachers of the EPQ who wish to develop their practice further, and build links between their students’ EPQ attainment and their future at university.


There is increasing evidence that the EPQ is associated with both better adaptation to university learning, and higher achievement at degree level overall. As well as serving as a justification for the EPQ itself, these findings offer an interesting opportunity to reflect on how we teach the qualification. Specifically, we can ask two questions:

  • Which elements of the EPQ are most significant in preparing students for university?
  • What lessons can we draw from this university context to develop teaching of these elements in the EPQ?

This workshop will address these questions by drawing upon the University of Southampton’s institutional data on EPQ attainment, and the experiences of its EPQ support team in applying academic teaching to the EPQ. It will address questions including:

  • how to align EPQ skills with those that support students at university
  • what universities are looking for in an EPQ
  • choosing an appropriate EPQ topic in light of a university application
  • developing work-flow and project/deadline management techniques
  • using reference management software to cite and organise sources

Learning outcomes

  • Gain the most-up-to data evidence on the benefits of the EPQ in terms of university attainment.
  • Learn how interventions at key points in the EPQ process can improve students’ understanding of research and research skills.
  • Deepen understanding of the mechanisms by which the EPQ supports students’ transition to university.
  • Understand methods by which this university context can be applied to deepen EPQ teaching.