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John Lewis

Research and Policy Manager, SQA


Since August 2009, John has been SQA’s HE liaison, working closely with admissions & academic staff in HEIs across the UK & further afield to raise awareness & understanding of Scottish qualifications & education at pre- and short-cycle HE level. Allied to this role, he is SQA’s key link to UCAS, where he currently sits on or has previously been involved in a number of UCAS stakeholder groups, including the Qualifications Advisory Group and the UCAS Tariff Apprenticeship Working Group. He is also SQA’s lead on work within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), Higher National Qualifications, UK NARIC & UK ReferNet. John also contributes to or leads on several other policy areas, including on HN enhancement, credit-rating, skills, assessment, RPL & work-based learning.
Monday 26 March 2018 16:25 - 17:25

Understanding qualification reform across the four UK countries