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Agents – UK/EU/international

Agents – UK/EU/international 

If you are a commercial organisation (you charge for your service either to applicants, universities or colleges), please complete this form to be considered as a registered centre.

If you are not a commercial organisation, please use the EU and international schools/centres form.

Before completing this form...

When completing this form you need to attach a reference/letter of recommendation from a university or college which is a member of UCAS – you can view a list of UCAS members in our search tool. Please read the advice and information for your referee below. 

The reference/recommendation letter should include:

  • contact name and details of the person providing the reference/recommendation
  • contact name and details of the person and centre/organisation requesting the reference/recommendation
  • confirmation of how long the university or college has known the individual and/or the organisation/centre
  • a brief outline of the relationship between the university or college and the organisation/individual (the referee should highlight if they know the individual/centre, whether they receive applications, and comment on the organisation/individual's professional conduct, etc.)
  • whether the referee would support the application to become a UCAS registered centre and the reason(s) why

What is a UCAS registered centre?

Schools, colleges, advisers or agents can register with UCAS to become a centre. We provide UCAS registered centres with a suite of tools to help manage student applications, and give access to the latest information, advice and services. 

Registered centres have access to all their applicants’ details in Apply, can check applications, attach references, and submit to UCAS on behalf of the applicant. If the applicant agrees, and the centre subscribes to Adviser Track, it can track the progress of applications, view decisions, and support applicants.

We expect our registered centres to abide by UCAS’ terms and conditions and as they have access to sensitive data. Any breach will be investigated fully and may lead to suspension of being a UCAS registered centre.  

It's important to complete all sections of the form, and details marked * are required.

Please note, if you have completed an application, you do not need to complete another application. If you are unsure whether or not to proceed, please email our Schools Team at, and we can check for you.

1. School/centre information


Address of school/centre

Please give both the legal and trading name, if different.
2. Contact information

Head of school/centre

UCAS correspondent

This will be UCAS' first point of contact, and we will send all key information and communications to them.

Finance contact

3. School/centre details

This section helps us understand more about you, your organisation and the services you offer, so we can provide the best support possible.

Which of these services will you provide to potential UCAS applicants?*  
4. Qualifications and experience
5. Training and information
It is important you understand the UCAS application process if you become a UCAS registered centre/adviser. Details about UCAS training are available on
(If you answer 'Yes' we will verify the details with the British Council.)
6. Information and advice from UCAS and third parties

As part of being a registered centre, UCAS will send you regular updates and information. Please indicate below if you wish to receive additional information from relevant third parties.

7. Recommendations and references

Section a

To become a UCAS registered centre/adviser, you must provide a reference from someone who can supply a recommendation for you and/or your organisation (refer to the information at the beginning of this form). We cannot process your application until we have received it.

Please refer to the advice at the beginning of this form about what should be included in the reference.

Files must be less than 3 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt rtf html pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp ods.

Referee details

Section b

Do you have any existing links, partnerships or agreements with UK universities or colleges?

Please give details of the two main universities/colleges below

8. Terms and conditions

To become a UCAS registered centre you must agree to our terms and conditions.

Submit details
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